Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta

Published on June 6 2017

Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta

From when you have been 4 years old you have been on stage…dancing. Four decades after you are helping young girls to be on stage modeling…

What is this love for the stage?  Where did it come from?

It’s a passion that brewed all these years as well said from the age of 4. I was trained  in ballet, jazz & tap at Alison White Dance Studio, where not only did I learn dancing techniques but also my teachers transmitted their passion to me. It all started thanks to my late grandmother Bernardette when she first started paying for my lessons, than continued by my parents and had full family support.

Do you remember the first time you were on stage?

I clearly remember as if it was yesterday, I was 5 years old wearing an off white leotard with red accessories and dancing to Billy Jean and still remember every single move.

What about stage fright?

Stage fright attacks every single time, no matter how many years pass or how much experience one has. To be honest stage fright is good and I’m happy I still get those chills because that means I’m still enjoying every single performance like it was the first.

How do you prepare your models to face their first time on stage?     

I always be honest with them and explain to them step by step all the adrenaline and how good it is to feel all those emotions of being scared, of being excited and how proud they would feel once up there. I always tell them to be positive and just go for it without any hesitations, while treasuring all the emotions.

 Is there a secret that you only know?

There are always secrets in every person and being in this industry and teaching modeling now, yes I do have mine as well, in teaching techniques not only in catwalk but also for personality.

Fashion and modeling have been part of your life. Professional fashion photographer….professional teacher for models from their early teens till they reach their early twenties….professional dancer….make-up artist…..organizing beauty contests…taking part in beauty contests yourself….sometimes designing your clothes yourself…Does all this make you a fashion guru?

I might be yes jack of all trades as most people find me as well and honestly I do not mind being called that way. Somehow they are all linked and one profession links and help the other, whether or not I’m a fashion guru, well I leave you to judge.   

When you see your contestants up there competing what is your feeling at the time?

It’s a feeling quite hard to express, it’s like having all your kids up there performing & competing, seeing them giving their best from what I taught them, its pride and joy and yes a motherly love as well.

Some people are against beauty contests, since you are marketing beauty only. What do you think of this?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, having said that these models are not only judged on beauty, one has to see their stamina and strength in wanting to achieve, how punctual they are, how well they know the industry, how they prepare themselves. Most people see them just on final night, but us organisers do much more before that. They have photo shoots, activities and a personality judging, all points that sum up to the final night points. So we see much more in depth than beauty.


Why are beauty contests necessary for young girls? Or better what do these girls gain from beauty contests?

Since day one of teaching modeling, I always told parents and models that I believe modeling is a way to help them get their self-esteem on the right track, to learn how to speak publically, how to do make-up, learn about image & personality, fitness & nutrition, all topics that will lead them to being successful in their future jobs & lifestyles.

In a beauty contest there is only one winner. How do you prepare your other contestants who won’t be wearing the crown?

Contestants are well aware of this and some of them even start the contest with a negative vibe, something that I work hard on for them to eliminate and help them arrive on final night with a positive vibe as much as possible. I always tell them no matter what happens your future does not depend on the number of judges out there judging them on the night. They should wake up the following morning looking at photos proud of their achievement for being on stage and be mature enough also to look for mistakes, if any, and learn for the future.

On what basis are these girls judged? Beauty, charisma, talent or those famous 2 minutes on the catwalk?

In Miss Europe Continental Malta they are judged on personality, beauty & how well they can be professional if they are to represent Malta in Italy, we also be doing a 30second talent on stage this year to further get to know the model and her character.

How difficult is it for a Maltese organizer in the fashion world to find sponsors for these events?

Unfortunately in Malta it is terribly difficult to get sponsors for such event, something that I think it has to be improved and companies to believe in these shows and the good they do for these models, especially contests where eventually the winners will be representing Malta abroad.

Is the modelling scene getting more popular in Malta or less? Give us the reasons please?

I think the industry is a bit on the risky market at the moment, since we do not see much of new faces and this comes down the face that besides Malta is a small Island, we also have girls that lost their faith in such contests due to past history with certain organisers, how they have been treated or for unfairness.  

What is the dream of janice in the fashion world?

My biggest dream is to personally get all these models believe that Janice Azzopardi is here doing these contests with utmost fairness & dedication. I dream that one day Malta will be truly united in this industry and that all backstabbing between organisers simply stops so that the industry can become stronger. And yes I dream to be a well-known recognised modeling teacher & fashion photographer.

Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta
Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta
Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta
Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta
Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta
Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta
Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta
My Photography

My Photography

My Photography

My Photography

My Photography

My Photography

Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta Janice Azzopardi - License holder & organiser of Miss Europe Continental Malta

Written by Miss Europe Continental Malta

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